5 Biblical Keys to Finding Peace of Mind

It’s easy to be caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Over time, stress and anxiety take their toll, and as Christians, we may begin to struggle in our faith. The good news is that in Jesus, we have shelter from all the storms of life. So in a world full of stress, how can we find peace of mind?

1.  Forgive and let go.

                One of the hardest, yet most valuable lessons to learn is forgiveness. We all tend to hold onto grudges, whether against our enemies, our loved ones, or even ourselves. But just as Jesus forgave us, so we are called to forgive others. And when we are no longer bound by that ever- present hatred and bitterness, we find freedom.

2.  Surrender all control to God.

                Let’s face it – we can’t control everything. The truth is that only God knows what lies ahead, and running from His will for our lives will only hurt us in the end. Peace of mind is impossible to have if our minds are always worrying about things that are up to God anyway. We have to learn to surrender and trust in Him alone.

3.  Be constant in prayer.

                As Christians, we often ignore the extraordinary gift of prayer. Through prayer, we can come humbly to our Creator and Savior, pouring out all our thoughts and emotions. God loves us, and   though He knows exactly how we feel, He desires that in faith, we would run to Him in every circumstance. Prayer should be our automatic reaction in times of joy and in times of need.  Remember that prayer does not change God, but it does change us.

4.  Block out the negativity.

                The unhappiest people are always the ones who are focused on everyone else. We all know that this world is wicked, sinful, and broken. Instead of letting this darkness flood into us, why not be the light instead? The world has enough complainers, worriers, and fighters. We were made to reflect God’s love and show that there is hope in Christ for all mankind.

5.  Keep your eyes on heaven.

                Where is your treasure found? This is an important question we should always be asking ourselves. Nothing in this life will ever satisfy us, because we were created with a desire for  something greater than the universe we live in – God. And so whenever we face trials or fear, we can be confident that in eternity, we will know glory because of our faith in Jesus.
So what does all of this teach us? The idea of “peace of mind” actually has little to do with ourselves, and everything to do with God. If we ever feel restless or burdened, maybe it’s time to take a step back and examine our faith. Why do we struggle?Why do we labor and toil over trivial things? Ultimately, when we learn to rest in God and follow His ways, we will find that peace we are all searching for.