Support Us

Thank you for helping us share traditional Catholic Novenas! It is because of your generous donation that we are able to support persecuted Catholics as well as restore Churches and monasteries throughout the Holy Land and Middle East on a more regular basis. Unbeknownst to many, Catholics now make up only 2% of the Holy Land total population.

Also, as a new donor, you will receive 40 authentic photos of historic Holy Land churches where Jesus walked, led and preached. These photos will be delivered directly to your inbox free of charge!

In honor of your support, your name and prayer intentions will be offered in a Holy Mass at one of the most historic churches in the Holy Land. Please let us know if your prayers are answered.

”May the Lord bless you and keep you; may He smile on you and be gracious to you; may He look your way and give you peace.”

Thank you, and God bless you!

CEO & Founder of Novena Prayer, Nicola Kanaan

Donations can be made through secure PayPal

32 thoughts on “Support Us

  1. Praying for PEACE to Israel and Palestine.
    JESUS is very sad with this war. Nicola stay safe with the people of Israel.

  2. Please pray for me. I am under demonic oppression. I have the undeniable urge to make an Onlyfans and I don’t know what to do. Please pray for intercession of the Virgin Mary to cleanse my soul of this urge of Mary Magdalene.

  3. You are doing a wonderful work, Nicola. May God bless you and I hope to see you in heaven. I am an ex-muslim who got saved by Jesus and I am also from ME.

  4. Hello Nicola,
    Blessings from above. Please do as you see fit. Thank You. God is Good. Amen

  5. My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Saint Expedite who has already, in this short time, begun to answer my prayers.

  6. Thank you Nicola!
    It was wonderful meeting you in person in 2019.
    I hope to meet you again🙏🏻🙏🏻

    1. God bless for supporting our website from the Holy Land. It was my pleasure to meet all the amazing Americans Catholic from Virginia including your Holy Priest. Blessings from the Galilee!

  7. “May this channel continue to flourish reaching to so many CHRISTIANS persecuted around the world today to console them but mostly to warm cold hearted hearts and souls of NON-CHRISTIANS leading them to CONVERSION, to know the truth about JESUS CHRIST and his teachings: (1 John 4:7 ESV) Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” May the grace of LOVE and PEACE of CHRIST be with us all within ourselves, our families, our homes, communities, schools, churches and among nations, around the world. Amen

  8. Praying for all broken families, and the children everywhere. In Jesus’ Holy Name, and Our Blessed Mother, please hear our prayer! Amen.✝️💕

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