The Mystical Journey

It’s time for a break, time to sit back in a warm and comfortable chair and simply let our mind drift into a gentle state of relaxation. We have been given a gift to let go of some of the day to day struggles and simply give all we are to our Heavenly Mother.

What mysteries would we be opened to, where would we end up if we could just let go long enough to the wonders of her love? Would our lives be opened as in the Annunciation or would we try and fight off the unknown as if we were Agonizing in the Garden? Could we be open to a Resurrection of faith as if we were being newly Baptized in the River of Jordan?

We might feel scared in this Visitation or even feel as if we were being Scourged at the Pillar with little hope of the Ascension, almost as one might have felt at the Wedding in Cana when there were thoughts of the simplest aspects of life running dry.

As we slowly start to relax it starts to feel like the Nativity of a new birth and yet our minds are still struggling to let go as if we are being tormented with a Crowning of Thorns. It’s at times like these when even our Heavenly Mother turns to her Son and we are indeed blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and a Proclamation to the Kingdom of God.

It is in this Presentation of Jesus in our lives that fear can drift into who we think we are and it’s as if we are Carrying the Cross of life all by ourselves. Quiet yourself, for it is our Heavenly Mother and the Assumption she shares with us that can open everyone to a complete Transformation.

Time has past and we find that we have let go and allowed ourselves to relax as our Heavenly Mother has helped us in finding Jesus in this quiet time. We no longer feel Crucified in the Death of misguided thoughts and we slowly start to feel a joy as if we have found ourselves at the Coronation of Mary and the celebration of the Institution of the Eucharist.

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